26 January 2011

G'day ... Happy Australia Day!!!!!!

Welcome to Fan Fic Down Under!!!

We are a group of Aussies who are passionate about our Fan Fic. We wanted a place to go to find good Fan Fic written by Aussies and when we couldn't find it we decided to do it ourselves.

So if you are an Aussie, an expat Aussie, or even from somewhere else but living in Australia then this is the place for you.

We're going to offer reviews, recommendations, interviews and all around pimping of Aussies in the Fan Fic Fandom. We're also open to any suggestions. So if there's something Aussie you'd like to see celebrated let us know.

If you want to be added to our list of Aussies and your name is not on the list already, then please email us and we'll add it.

Make sure you follow the blog and you can also follow us on Twitter.

1 comment:

  1. Hiya, came across you on twitter, I'm going to do a pimping post for your site for my community;

    fang_readers on LiveJournal


